Is coaching therapy? – Life Coaching Business Plan Sample

No. Although there are many different types of coaching therapy, I tend to go for the more direct approach to help your clients improve their leadership skills.

How long does coaching therapy take?

We have had clients taking coaching for a minimum of 6 month. If you can manage the coaching, it will be a very satisfying experience for your clients as well.

Do you have a referral list?

Yes we do!

What types of issues do we address?

We address each and every clients issue by asking the client a few questions. Often the clients will also send email updates.

Are you certified?


Do you have therapists on your team?

Yes we have staff available to give private coaching.

Can you recommend me a therapist?

Yes, please contact me and I am happy to recommend a therapist to clients for free. I provide a referral from my client’s therapist.

What is the minimum fee?

I have clients paying between $100 and $600 for the coaching of course. These are not in-class coaching sessions, instead they are group therapy sessions.

How do I pay?

You will be billed by PayPal via PayPal. You are not charged until you receive payment from a client. At this stage I don’t want to bill you until you have paid.

How long are my sessions?

We typically charge approximately 1 hour for individual sessions and 2 hour group therapy sessions.

What if I don’t like the session?

If it doesn’t work for you, no problem. Just cancel the session and we will see if we can work something out. You can always re-schedule the session if you dislike it or it has been longer than you expected.

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Is coaching therapy? – Life Coaching Business Plan Sample
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