What is Raks? – Belly Dancing Classes In Colchester Ct Map

Rak is the name of a software written by a researcher named David Reimer. It was developed in late January of 2002, in response to the initial announcement of the BETA. It allows a user to quickly get an overview of the status of several projects at a single glance, by reading the descriptions provided by individuals or groups involved. It will allow for quick identification of a developer on a project’s GitHub account.


See the GitHub page for full usage specs.

The main functionality of Rak is the inclusion of a “Project Structure”, which lists a directory of namespaced projects, together with the names of developers, their GitHub profile, and information about their projects.

Each of the individual entries are prefixed by a “repository”. Rak’s repository type determines what branches that project uses.

Rak can display information from multiple different repositories at the same time.

Rak can be integrated with other projects, to provide a way for groups to easily share code, documentation, etc.

Rak is used to assist developers in building their projects.

Installing on Linux

You can install Rak if you’re on Linux or if you’re already an R user.

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git clone https://github.com/davereimer/rak cd rake sudo gem install bundler make make install

Installing on OSX

To install Rak on OSX and install the gem to add the gem to the Gemfile , first copy the rak Gemfile to your current ~/Library/Application Support/Rak/Gemfile directory. Then run the following command to install Rak from the Gemfile:

$ gem install dockertools

Rak has been tested on OSX and can be run on other systems if required. If installing on Linux but you want to install it and install Rake manually, there are two ways to do it.

If you wish to install Rak in a way that uses PATH , you need to create the following directories: ~/.bashrc , ~/.bash_profile , and ~/.bash-profile :

mkdir ~/.rk_env chmod 700 ~/.bashrc mkdir ~/.rk_env touch ~/.bash_profile ~/.bashrc

Now run the following command to install Rak:

$ make install install-path= ” $HOME /bin ”

If you want to install a separate rakefile then simply change the make install path to the path

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What is Raks? – Belly Dancing Classes In Colchester Ct Map
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